Bag of Henkel Technomelt PA 6344 Black Molding Hot Melt

Technomelt PA 6344 Alternatives

TECHNOMELT® PA 6344 is a low viscosity polyamide hot melt adhesive designed for low pressure molding applications. It provides a protective barrier for electronics, offering excellent heat stability and moisture resistance. Ideal for potting, molding strain reliefs, and encapsulating sensors, it adheres well to substrates like FR4, metals, and various plastics.

Compare Technomelt PA 6344 Alternatives

These 2 products share similar properties and features. They are often used for the same applications.

Bag of Henkel Technomelt PA 6344 Black Molding Hot Melt
Henkel Technomelt PA 6344 Black Low Pressure Molding Hot Melt
Infinity Bond PA 6208 Black Polyamide Hot Melt Bulk Pellets
Infinity Bond PA 6208 Black Polyamide Bulk Hot Melt Adhesive
Price $$$$ $$$$
Type Bulk Hot Melt Bulk Hot Melt
Brand Henkel Technomelt Infinity Bond
Hot Melt Type PolyamidePolyamide
Application Temperature 374°F to 446°F356°F to 392°F
Softening Point 287.6°F302±5°F
Open Time -1~4 seconds
Viscosity 18,000 cps @ 392°F3000 to 5500 cps @ 392°F
Color BlackBlack
Size Bulk PelletsBulk Pellets

These values are approximate. Manufacturers often use different parameters for determining adhesive properties. Refer to manufacturer data sheets for detailed specifications. If you have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.

Questions About Alternatives for Technomelt PA 6344?

Our adhesive specialists can help with any questions about Technomelt PA 6344, including helping you find the best alternative for Technomelt PA 6344 based on the specifics of your adhesive application. We've tested hundreds (probably thousands) of adhesive products and use our experience to advise companies of all types and sizes.

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